ever since cruising the Red Road in a Roberts Tour Bus with my grandmother in 1973. Then in 2002, a friend invited me to join him while he was building his house in Puna, and I was hooked all over again! So, in 2006, I purchased a lot in Leilani Estates and began developing my house plans.
For the past eleven years, I have returned at least once a year, dreaming and scheming about how I could actually live on the Big Island someday! And that day has come. In May 2013, the real estate market heated up in San Diego, and the sale of my condo has facilitated my move to the Big Island.

I am already a member of two ukulele groups, and have developed many friendships in East Hawaii, with whom I share a deep sense of ohana.
Click here for ukulele performances.

I look forward to many years wrapped in the arms of Pele’s wonders.
Many mahalos for visiting my website. I hope to meet you soon!
A hui ho’u...
Cheryl Carroll